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Among the stars

Updated: Dec 17, 2019


Blueberry's fifty linden friday top (star pattern)

Truth Oasis (brunette)

Glam-affair Maya (skin)


You ever have one of those moments? Where the entire world zooms out into perspective? You look through everything and wonder how some things are possible, how humans have lived so long on earth that we managed to develop a society, create an easier way to live, advance technology and still keep building. But we still today struggle to see why two people deserve the same rights because one is slightly different than the other? Or how it's become so normal to see a homeless person on the street that people will openly admit they'd refuse to help them because they'd spend the money on drugs. If that's what you believe why not buy something to eat for them?

We've evolved so far but we have so much further to go...every day I see how people treat each other with hate or disgust because they're different or they think they are lower than them.

The earth is slowly dying, scientists say we have about 12 years to fix our mess but songs, videos, movies? That's not action, yes it's getting people aware but are they doing anything about it?

We've become controlled by these bits of paper and metal that can so easily be destroyed or go missing, we work every day to earn enough just to live. Some people who work all day every day still won't have enough to live...

It's such a baffling thing to think of, there are billions of people in the world yet not enough seem to care to try and change everything wrong with what we created just because the way it is benefits them.

Kindness does not cost anything more than a sandwich.

~ Harley


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