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Blood Magic

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

Months of studying had gone by and finally she was ready to preform the ritual. Finally she'd be ready to accept the powers that would soon be blessed upon her. It was the summer solstice and everything was set, the body of a local peasant girl lay in the centre of the pentagram, her young apprentice holding the skull of a hero killed in battle, the book of a thousand generations held in her hands. Her minions had scrubbed the stained windows clean until they shone brighter than any jewel. As the sun began to set she opened the book, flipping to the spell that would gift the peasant girl to the goddess above, as she recited the incantation the words on the page began to glow, floating off the page and shrinking into small sparkles which floated up towards her, the blood of the girl laying in the pentagram poured out into the markings, connecting candle to candle and causing the flames to burst into life. As the final candle lit, the skull in her apprentice's hands burst into flames, almost making her drop it but she held on tight. As the sun lowered it hit the perfect angle, light shining through the windows and casting their gaze upon the scene. The sparkles floated around her and landed gentle on her skin, making her glow as she finished the last line of the incantation as the sun finally set, a large burst of light filling her, lifting her just slightly off the ground. As she lowered back down the words once more reappeared on the pages, the flames dying out as she closed the book, her purple eyes sparkling with her new gift. She looked around the now cluttered room, staring at her apprentice who began to pick up the pages that had blown around as she retired to her room. The woman on the ground had been replaced with a small black kitten who followed after her closely, leaving the apprentice to clean up.

Featuring -

From Krescendo - Church window from the redeux event and Headmaster's desk, chair and wizard's work from world of magic.

From Cerridwen's Cauldron - Elven lights set and The Story Bearer statue.

Backdrop and deco -

[ Focus Poses ] Make your own Magic*!

[ Focus Poses ] Witch Craft Room Backdrop


~Isil~ Fantasy Sword Decor - Wizard's Sword (Boxed)

Poses -

Animosity - Wiccan Poses w/Props

FOXCITY. Underwater Bento Pose Set

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