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  • Writer's pictureSerendipity

First Day

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

I don't know about you all but after I started Secondary school the FIRST thing I would do the second I could...was find a new place to hide at lunch. Because at my school there was ALWAYS a fight in the hall. EVERY DAY. Either a full on fist fight or the classic girls bitching each other out and screaming loud enough for everyone to hear. It got so boring after the first week of year seven. Worse than the lessons because at least in the lessons people would tell me what happened and exaggerate it to actually sound interesting.

But once I found my hiding place for the term that was it. Grab food and gone. In the summer/spring time it was normally in a little opening in the forest next to us, no one ever really went in their much so I didn't get bothered. Winter and autumn time I just sat in this little cabin thing they had. Sometimes some of the lads came in but they were always nice enough to me. I was lucky enough that most the people that wanted an issue with me hated mud on their shoes and went to our year's common room most of the time.

Anywaaay that's my lil story over!

Persephone x


Featuring both Riot's Sansa Sweater and Junk Food's Fast Food Tray!

Riot's sweater is available at their mainstore -

Junk Food's nummy treat is available at their mainstore -

This was taken at backdrop city! Just follow the tp that says cute school or something along those lines (NOT SCHOOL SCENES)

I also have on Stealthic's Porcelain hair from collabor88 and Mossu's Fleur wreath at their mainstore!

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