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  • Writer's pictureSerendipity

One Last Shot

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

Featuring Krescendo's McPocalypse and North Tower

North Tower is available at the current round of Eclipse.

Both are available at the mainstore.

Outfit - Tableau Vivant \\ Editorial \ Western wind - Browns, SCANDALIZE. Kya. FATPACK (available at bloom)

This song started playing when I took this and I thought it fitted well.

One last shot. They were closing in and she was injured, no where to run, no where to hide, this was where it'd all end. I can see them on the horizon, running faster than anything I've seen before, the jeeps not far behind. They'll be here any second, they want us dead but we'd survived so long. It can't end now. I'll fight til my last dying breath, others will fight, whether I live or die today, others will come and they WILL take them down. The corporation will never win, not as long as there are people out there who know the apocalypse was not a natural occurrence, and after our broadcast? No one believes it was a natural disaster anymore. All I have is one more bullet, they'll hear it. It will be a beacon...not of hope but of fury, of the truth. They will learn, they will understand, they will fight. All it takes is...

One last shot.

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